August 28, 2018 Sophia Ng A Fond Farewell - Life beyond the Scanner August 28, 2018 Sophia Ng Letting go is often much harder than starting something new. Here are 5 signs that it's time to take the plunge.
August 16, 2018 Sophia Ng On weight-loss (Part 1 of 2): A not-so-flippant perspective August 16, 2018 Sophia Ng It is sometimes jokingly said that dieting is a woman's life-long endeavour. Here's why I think it's not a very superficial goal.
August 3, 2018 Sophia Ng Working with a limited vocabulary August 3, 2018 Sophia Ng How even the simplest words can get the point across clearly, and why I think everyone should go pick up a new language.