Life Changing Antics: #1 - The Keto Diet

Seeing as my career and ambitions are centered around thinking creatively, I've made it a personal life-long rule to periodically shake things up and do something different from my norm.

As a ballet dancer in my teens, it was imperative to stay vaguely slim. I did alright in the genetic lottery and so managed to keep in shape despite indulging often. 3-4 ballet training sessions per week, and the occasional week of salad for dinner was all I needed.

Fast forward eight years. My muscles were slowly converting to fats, as a result of intentional inactivity. (I was fed-up of how much muscle I had built up, and seriously wanted to trim it all off.) So, I took the advice of a friend, who did the keto diet in an effort to target fat burning. It did what it was supposed to, and I lost the weight I wanted without suffering much. So, for anyone who wants a few pounds off, and can go without carbs, do give it a try.

Besides having to consciously look for carb free options and having to turn down snacks offered by others, the three sugar-free months were pretty painless. Because I didn't love sugar much, and I got to eat really sinful foods like avocados, cheese, and fatty cuts of roast meat. But I eventually stopped when I hit the target weight, and got sick of the greasiness. It all went so well, I didn't think about the extent of the changes I had made.

Until I broke the sugar fast. With a huge mug of hot chocolate.

It went down like this:

First sip: "Holy hell, that's sweet." *sips some water*

A couple more sips later: "Oh wow, this is way more intense than alcohol. It's like I have a stampede going through my body right now."

Half-way into the mug: "I feel like I got possessed by Sonic the Hedgehog. And I feel like I light-headed and all headachey at the same time."

By the end of the mug, I was completely off my face; my body and mind was racing like a Ferrari engine. Friend present: "I don't know what you're possessed by, but it's definitely not Sonic the Hedgehog."

Looking at the photographic evidence from that night, I believe my friend. My facial expression was a close approximation of the following image.


What I learnt:

  1. NEVER break a sugar fast with hot chocolate. Even a coke might have been less traumatising. System shocks like that are not fun.
  2. It's good to see what you can live without. It's not just about what you own, it's also about your daily habits. There is far more sugar in the food I usually eat than I realised, and I didn't need half of it.
  3. The diet served as a psychological crutch, one that helped me say no to offers that I usually accepted due to etiquette and/or gluttony. After that diet, I became permanently more selective about snacks offered to me.