
Swag designer &

Travelling gamer

有梗 • 愛周邊 • 社交潤滑劑

9歲玩Playstation | 19歲玩MMO網遊 | 29歲嫁遊戲玩伴

我的本行是寫稿和搜索引擎行銷;剛好也有平面設計才能和社交媒體行銷的經驗。算是個頗有尺度的網路行銷專家。(也通過舉辦INGRESS活動而得到一些後勤經驗。) 希望能有機會把業餘嗜好轉換成職場上的熱忱。

Of course, like most Singaporeans, my native tongue is English. I can also communicate in Simplified Chinese.
I like competitive co-op games, MMOs, AR games & puzzles.

Games that I spent a significant amount of time on
Ingress | Tree of Savior | Minecraft | DotA | Ragnarok Online | Gaia Online

Recently playing
World of Warships | Moonlighter | Evan’s Remains

Other favourites
Steam: Journey | Overcooked | Civilization V & VI | Fez | Don’t Starve | Portal | Hyperdimension Neptunia
Mobile: Monument Valley Series | Orna | PokemonGo | Various Gachas & TCGs | Various puzzles
Playstation: Square’s Chrono Series | Suikoden Series | Various JRPGs

Gaming Swag