Olds: 48 piece McNugget Bucket
From time to time, old news resurfaces on the internet, masquerading as new news. (Yeah, just the pseudo-journalists trying to make some money, by taking advantage of people's forgetfulness and feeding the appetite for content.) Seeing as I get tagged in recycled news every now and then, I thought it'll be good to at least list the recycled news that I noticed here.
Considering that I have eaten 40 nuggets for fun (I'll write about what inspired that travesty another time), it has become a running joke amongst friends, who now inform me whenever there is anything vaguely nugget-related. So, someone recently tagged me about McDonalds releasing a 48-piece McNugget bucket.
At first, I laughed at the headlines and shrugged it off, thinking that the social webs will soon be awash with people who bought the bucket and lived to regret devouring all the nuggets, just like I did. Then, more articles piggybacking on the original surfaced. BUT there isn't an actual hype of people eating ridiculous quanities of nuggets.
So, I finally clicked the links, read the text and saw the accompanying images.
WAITAMINUTE. It's a NGT48 x McNugget collaboration? Wasn't that from 2015?
A quick check later, turns out there wasn't a resurrection of the campaign. Just a bunch of writers who didn't quite finish their homework. To be fair though, how many people would actively pay attention to fast food, idol culture and trending news?